
Share the Power of Positivity

Earth, Planet, Sustainability, Holistic Health, Green  Living, Organic Foods, Raw Wholefoods, Positive Discipline, Breastfeeding… all  these simple terms provide life.

San Francisco Green Festival is a huge event occurs twice a  year in spring and in the fall. Holistic Moms Network (HMN) a non-profit organization, CA Chapters especially Bay Area Chapters participate yearly in this  event.

We, as HMN leaders and members gather together twice a year to join forces to share our power of  positivity inspiring other parents, to find real happiness through holistic health  and green living. We strive to bring light into people’s life touch their heart  and mind by providing awareness and education that enable them to make informed  choices. Our believe is as educated communities we do not only have the power  to make changes into our families’ life, but we do have the power to change the  world.





Are You Running into a Vicious Cycle

Are you counting on over-the-counter pain medication when a headache or a migraine strike?
If you answered yes, then this peace of information is for YOU.

While over-the-counter pain-relievers are helpful in improving headache pain, they must be taken with caution because they could actually make your headaches worse if they aren’t taken correctly. The overuse or misuse of pain relievers — exceeding labeling instructions (such as taking the drug three or more days per week) or not following your doctor’s advice — can cause you to “rebound” into another headache.

When the pain medication wears off, you may experience a withdrawal reaction, prompting you to take more medication, which only leads to another headache and the desire to take more medication. And so the cycle continues until you start to suffer from chronic daily headaches with more severe headache pain and more frequent headaches.

I’m about to give you 2 choices between running into this vicious cycle or brake it up eradicating a migraine attack before it starts, naturally.


Pain reliever overuse appears to interfere with the brain centers that regulate the flow of pain messages to the nerves, worsening headache pain.

This rebound syndrome is especially dangerous if your medication contains caffeine, which is often included in many pain relievers to speed up the action of the other ingredients. While it can be beneficial, caffeine in medications, combined with consuming caffeine (coffee, tea, soft drinks or chocolate) from other sources, makes you more vulnerable to a rebound headache.

In addition to the rebound headache, over-use of pain relievers can lead to addiction, more intense pain when the medication wears off, and possible serious side effects.

What Drugs Cause Rebound Headaches?

What Is the Solution?

#1 Recording

#2 Recording 6054772100-1017569-4


Are You Taking the Right Supplements

Why You Need Whole Food Supplements

As our body is designed to have whole foods as fuel to develop, grow and thrive why is it different for supplements?

I’m sure you know the difference between whole foods and refind foods. As an example think of black or brown rice to white rice. Black or brown rice is better for your health than white rice for it contains full nutrients while white rice is refined, bleached and empty of nutrients. To learn more about why do you need to supplement your diet with whole food supplements but NOT synthetic, isolated vitamins that are not found by themselves in nature, check this link out:

The “4Bs” Formula is made from whole foods ingredients that can assist your body to send migraines aways…check it out here

What is food for one, is to others bitter poison!


“What is food for one, is to others bitter poison”- Lucretius

Allergic reaction to the foods consumed can cause cerebral edema (swelling), headache, mental confusion, and malaise, all of which cause one to feel “dumb” and to
function poorly afterward.

Allergy verses Sensitivity

Food allergy has traditionally been defined as an antigen-antibody response, or a cell –mediated reactions to food.

Food sensitivity, on the other hand, occurs when there is an adverse reaction to food but no antigen-antibody response.

Discouraging breast-feeding and substituting cow’s milk or commercial formulas has helped to foster generation of food-allergic people. Other factors affecting both incidence and severity of food allergies include hormonal imbalance, infections, metabolic diseases, emotional stress, seasons, altitude, and nutritional imbalances. Heredity and race also play a role in food allergy.

Type of Food Allergies and Reactions:

  • Occult (hidden): Pathology (damage) is evidence, but without obvious symptoms
  • Immediate: Symptoms are obvious within minutes
  • Delayed: Symptoms may not appear until the next day or several days later
  • Thermal: Symptoms occur after indigestion of a specific food followed by exposure to cold, heat or light.

Difficult diagnose: If you get a headache within 15 mn of a meal, you have no trouble recognizing that a food is triggering the symptoms. However migraine headache afternoon of the day consuming chocolate is much harder to associate with eating chocolate. A person who feels well when she goes to bed, but who wakes up with a migraine headache, usually reacting to food consumed at dinner.

Allergy/addiction Phenomena: Often you may get surprised from knowing that your favorite food that you may think it gives you relief, you are sensitive to such as coffee, sugar, wheat, eggs, corn, or milk. This phenomenal is an allergy/addiction combined with a masked food allergy. You may be unaware of this sensitivity because eating the problem food makes you feel better when the food is eaten regularly masking occurs with chronic, low graded symptoms. Constant postnasal drip, afternoon headaches or sleepy spells, or spaciousness may be the only evidence of the problem. Try to avoid this food or chemical for 4 to 10 days swill unmask the allergy and subsequent re-exposure to the food will elicit acute symptoms.

You may notice sometimes your allergic response are unpredictable. However, why sometimes you can tolerate a food when some other times it provokes symptoms? I always wondered why and I noticed the following: The total toxic load of your body is the determine factor in this case. A toxic load could be allergens, stress factors or infection.


Allergy Relief & Prevention” book, a practical encyclopedia by J.Krohn MD, F.Taylor MA, and E.M Larson

Free Tele-seminar Call

Thursday, July 28, 2011 @ 12:00 PM PST

Subject for this call:

If what You’re Taking of Doing is NOT Helping Your Migraines, then this is For You!

Each new call will be announced in my Unlock the Mystery of Your migraines bi-weekly email the week before the call. To receive these updates with the full Conference Call Outline once a month – sign up for my FREE gift to the right of this page and receive a free copy of my e-book “The 3 Unknown Secrets to Get Rid of Your Migraines NATURALLY…, so they Don’t Return.”

B Complex Deficiency Syndrome-BCDS (continue)

…it’s so important, it needs repeating almost yearly. If you are sick with anything at all, you must first rule out your prescription drugs as the cause. In fact, consider that your prescription drugs are the cause of your health problems until proven otherwise.

Ruling out BCDS can be done easily by simply changing your diet and taking a real B-complex supplement that contains every part of the B complex, including parts that we may not even know about. The only supplement that can do this is one made from whole-food concentrates and extracts. Any and all other high-potency B-vitamin products are incomplete at best, and at worst can exacerbate BCDS by inducing B-vitamin imbalances on top of an already existing deficiency, the more potent these products are, the more problems they can induce.

Treating for BCDS must be done before embarking on prescription therapy. The reason is simple. The list of drugs that might be prescribed for all the conditions that can be caused by BCDS is endless. And multiple-prescription drug therapy to cover up symptoms caused by a B-vitamin deficiency can spell disaster. Not only will you remain unhealthy, you will suffer multiply and complex side effects. And some of these, especially those caused by heart and psych drugs, can be deadly…” Health Alert, When All Other Treatment Fail, Dr. Bruce West, May 2011/Vol 28, Issue 5


Since I overcame migraines this specific formula of B complex must be a part of my daily supplementation protocol, why? Because migraines caused irreversible damage into my body system! For this reason, this phenomenal real formula helps me maintain my body homeostasis biological balance. I can’t live without it; although it must be a part of every one of us diet supplementation for our foods is deficient of B-vitamin.

I invite you to check back the previous BCDS blog read B Complex Deficiency Syndrome list and match your symptoms to it. You’d discover yourself that one of the underlying root causes of migraines is BCD.


The good news for you is I carry this wonderful real B complex formula and even better it’s provided in The “4Bs” formula. It plays a crucial role of stopping a migraine before running its course. To get The “4Bs” click here:


To get the real formula of B Complex , please provide me with your contact information by clicking the following link and I’ll happy to assist you:


B-Complex Deficiency Syndrome

“…What Can Be the Root Cause of:

Weakness and fatigue

Depression and anxiety

Exhaustion after meals, indigestion and insufficient stomach

Poor appetite and craving for sweets

Paralyzing heart disease, hypoglycemia and anorexia

Neuritis and neuralgia

Noise sensitivity headaches and insomnia

Nervousness and forgetfulness

Mental problems such as severe apprehension and uneasiness, vague or morbid fears, rage and hostility, hallucinations, and debilitating and constant fear that something horrible is going to happen?

There are not too many things that can mimic so many health problems, disorders, and diseases as B-Complex Deficiency Syndrome (BCDS). This is the technical name for a B-vitamin complex deficiency, and it can cause or mimic just about everything, from paralyzing heart disease to radical emotional problems. It sneaks up on most people. It gets worse after pregnancy or prolonged illness.

It’s common among children who eat almost no foods rich in whole B vitamins because they mostly consume processed foods and sweets that make a B-vitamin deficiency worse. Literally millions of Americans are sick every day because of BCDS. And for the most part, they never know about it, never find out about it, are incorrectly treated with prescription drugs because of it, and eventually die young from it.”

Adapted from: Health Alert, When All Other Treatments Fails, May 2011/ Volume 28, Issue 5, Secret Treatment of the Month

Thinking of getting Vitamin B-Complex supplement? Think twice before buying any kind…you may be wasting your money… I’ll inform you which one your body is desperate to get.

Stay tuned for more information about BCDS!


Save the Date!

I’m so excited preparing for my first upcoming live workshop to introduce my unique holistic approach to conquer your migraines!

You’re Invited!

To learn more about this event click on the flyer or visit

The 3 KEYS Culprit You Must Know about to Control Your Migraines

Through my long hardship journey of discovering a holistic long-term solution for my migraines, it appeared to me that the following 3 Keys play a crucial role in migraine setting. I call this L.E.D. for short.

L: Lifestyle

E: Environment

D: Diet

Once you’re under migraine pain you want to do whatever you can to get yourself out of this unpleasant and unbearable period. You may find little or no relief in either over-the-counter drugs, prescription medications, or even natural remedies. More often you wish what else can be done can help in such miserable situation.

I experienced the same when nothing helped during an attack. However, let me assure you that there’s something you can do before and after so you can start seeing improvement, reducing migraines by strength and frequency.

# 1 Key Culprit: Consider checking your lifestyle; you may need to make some necessary changes such as exercise more, manage stress, follow a stable sleep pattern…

# 2 Key Culprit: While physical, emotional, or mental stress is considered the # 1 migraine trigger, some food and beverages in your diet might be responsible too. Notice your diet by using a daily dairy, you’ll be surprised. However, you’ll discover what you considered as your most heavenly delicious food turned out to be your poison food causing you migraines.

# 3 Key Culprit:Here comes the effect of the environment that you never thought about or take in consideration. Toxic environment can trigger a migraine like chemical exposure, dust, mite dust, pesticides, herbisides, house cleaning products…

Start to pay attention to L.E.D. today. Apply some changes as baby steps to prevent imbalances body system that initiate a migraine.

It’s true that some people never experience headaches in their life, but once they do, these headaches are a warning sign telling them that it is time to pay attention!

For people with migraines, they’ve gone too far in imbalances of their body systems that need close attention, serious action, and full commitment.

You can start applying The  “4Bs” my unique solution to capture your migraine before it starts. For more info visit:
