Root Causes

Do you know your body has its own language talking to you?

Do you know your body has its own language talking to you?


Health Symptoms are your body language.

For instant, what the following body signs mean?

√ Cold sore/herpes

√ Itching skin for no reason

√ Muscle cramps, spasms, and twitching and tingling in the fingers and around the mouth

√ Tooth sensitivity that might escalate to tooth decay or disease, receding gums, gum pockets, bleeding gums.

These are signs of calcium level reserve goes low/calcium deficiency. Body signs may vary from one person to another. Interpreting body symptoms is the first step of sickness or disease prevention. When kept ignored, they’ll high likely develop into serious health issues. Isn’t bone density loss, Osteopenia to Osteoporosis-silent disease- linked to calcium low level? So, are you listening to your body?

Furthermore, if you experience weakness, lack of energy, not wanting to eat, nausea and vomiting, constipation, urinating a lot, belly pain, or bone pain, these symptoms may be caused by a very high calcium level in the blood. NOTE: Calcium levels need to be very high or low to cause symptoms.

You probably are taking your calcium supplement. That’s good, but is your body absorbing the calcium or deposit it somewhere else into your body like your kidneys, joints or arteries? How to know if you’re taking the right usable type? Let me help you making the right choice giving your body what it needs to stay well and strong. Contact me @ 650.465.2778 or email



Concerned about Migraine? Then Consider Body Physiological Causal Connections


Any symptom in the body including a migraine is a warning sign saying that something is going wrong and not functioning well. There are substances or circumstances considered to be triggers and causes which can activate a migraine. It can be one thing or it can be a combination. Everyone’s migraine is individual and unique. Try to stay away from any of them can certainly help, but what about your individual body physiological real causal connections? Let me explain further.

Holistic medicine is practicing a Nutritional Therapy vs. Allopathic Therapy that can help a client/patient who has the condition rather than treating the condition. It’s about Biochemistry vs. Chemistry. Why this work?

This therapy would get the body chemistry back into balance through consuming wholesome food, practicing natural lifestyle and being surrounded with clean environment. This wellness practice approach is comprehensive with emphasis on nourishing the WHOLE person, so the body nurtures, repairs and heals itself. All body systems and organs are perfectly well designed to work synergistically achieving optimal health. The same thing is as in a car. No single device or part can make the car runs, but all parts working together.  Here are three examples of body physiological causal connections:

  • Afternoon headache/headache between meals is related to low blood sugar
  • Feeling queasy/headache over eyes is related to your gallbladder
  • Feeling like head splitting in two from frontal lobe/headache before periods is related to your hormones imbalance

Whatever is your headaches/migraines type, you keep getting them because you’re constantly masking your pain/symptoms, but not correcting these body physiological causes. In this case, you’re not giving your body what it needs, in contrary you’re providing it with the wrong supply. The result is not only keep suffering, but creating more internal body system or organ damage that may escalate down the road to become irreversible.

Learn more about what body physiological causal connections might be here.




