All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 6

‘Start Fresh’ Episode 6 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

Household/Relationships Basics


أسس العلاقات الاسرية المهملة

أقوال/عبارات فعالة

How to Get Good Behavior, Listening & Productivity Out of Your Child (PART II)

كيف تجعلين طفلك يسمع لك مبديا سلوكا حسنا وإنتاجية جيدة

It’s Everywhere! It’s Toxic! Harmful to Human & Nature & Heavily Used Daily Globally


انه سام و في كل مكان

يستخدم بشكل كبير يوميا, عالميا وبكثافة في منزلنا

انه ضار للإنسان والطبيعة/البديل

Why Going Organic?

إختر العضوي/البلدي


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All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 5

‘Start Fresh’ Episode 5 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

5 Successful Relationship Essentials
أساسيات العلاقة الناجحة

How to Get Good Behavior, Listening & Productivity Out of Your Child (PART I)

كيف تجعلين طفلك يسمع لك مبديا سلوكا حسنا وإنتاجية جيدة

Old-New Method and Most Important Health Known of the 21rt Century

طريقة جديدة ـ قديمة معروفة بفائدتها الفائقة الاهية للصحة بالقرن الحادي والعشرين

A Silent Killer: Worse than Alcohol, Nicotine & Drugs!

قاتل صامت في طعامك وانت لا تدري: أسوأ من الكحول والنيكوتين والأدوية

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All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 4

‘Start Fresh’ Episode 4 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

7 Things to Give Up to Experience True Joy/What to Choose Instead

السلبيات السبعة/البديل

Alternative Ways to Help Yourself & Your Child to Express Anger

الطرق البديلة لمساعدة نفسك و طفلك للتعبيرعن الغضب والسيطرة عليه

Health ‘Hidden’ Enemy Might Be Lurking Inside Your Home

عدو ’خفي’ لصحتك داخل منزلك

Your Body Cries for …!

جسمك يصرخ يسالك طالبا

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All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 3

‘Fresh Start’ Episode 3 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

The 3 A’s to Overcome Painful Childhood

كيفية التغلب على الجروح الداخلية وصدمات مرحلة الطفولة

Root Causes of Parenting Problems
الاسباب الجذرية لمشاکل التربية التي يواجهها الاهل

How to Prevent Cell Phone Health Risks
كيفية الوقاية من مخاطر الهاتف الخليوي على صحتك

3 Foods Make You Angry & Depressed
ثلاثة انواع من الاطعمة تجعلك غاضبا” ومكتئبا”

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All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 2

‘Start Fresh’ Episode 2 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

Overcome Parenting Challenges

تحديات الاهل في هذا العصر/الحل

How To Teach Children Life Skills

أود بأن أرى طفلي يعلم ما يجب القيام به. كيف؟

It Increases Your Risk of Numerous Chronic Diseases Including Obesity

من احدى اضراره انه يساهم في زيادة وزنك. اكتشفه

Every Bite You Eat Is an Act of Nourishment Or an Act of Suicide

“كل لقمة تأكلها هي فعل تغذية أو فعل انتحار”

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All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 1

‘Start Fresh’ TV program presented in English & Arabic consists of 12 episodes. Each episode contains 4 sections:

Section 1: Build a Happy Family

Section 2: Positive Discipline Parenting

Section 3: Practice Healthy Living

Section 4: Choose Nutritious Eating

In each episode I address a new subject and share the solution.

‘Start Fresh’ Episode 1 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

How to adjust to fast pace high tech modern life?

التكيف بالحياة العصرية الحديثة وسرعتها الفائقة والتكنولوجيا العالية

What parenting style works best?

الاسلوب الفعال في تربية الطفال

How to survive a toxic world?

كيقية الحفاظ على الصحة في عالم ملوث

Behavior & food connection

علاقة الطعام والسلوك لدى الاطفال

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GMOs Are Almost Everywhere

GMOs are Almost Everywhere!

Many of us have come to the conclusion that our regulatory agencies are lacking and we need to look out for ourselves. It’s very difficult to avoid GMOs today. According to the Center for Food Safety the genetic engineering of plants and animals is looming as one of the greatest and most intractable environmental challenges of the 21st Century.

 According to Center for Food Safety currently below list is genetically engineered (GE):

92% of U.S. corn

94% of soybeans

94% of cotton (cottonseed oil is often used in food products)

75% of processed foods on supermarket shelves – from soda to soup, crackers to condiments – contain genetically engineered ingredients….

What is GMO?

By removing the genetic material from one organism and inserting it into the permanent genetic code of another, the biotech industry has created an astounding number of organisms that are not produced by nature and have never been seen on the plate. These include potatoes with bacteria genes, “super” pigs with human growth genes, fish with cattle growth genes, tomatoes with flounder genes, corn with bacteria genes, and thousands of other altered and engineered plants, animals and insects. At an alarming rate, these creations are now being patented and released into our environment and our food supply.

1,000 Food Brands Are Verified NON-GMO has created an awesome database of companies that have passed verification for non-GMO in their foods. Check out the list of over 1,000 Food Brands that are Verified NON-GMO here.

Learn more at:

Are You Pro-Vaccine or Anti-Vaccine?

Parents are advocates for their children they want the best for them.

When it comes to children’s health parents use their best of knowledge to provide it.

Vaccination is one among other health topic concerns parents are not informed neither educated about its pros and cons. However, they’re forced and obliged to do it.

According to Barbara Loe Fisher, the author and president of national vaccine information center, 2017, 69 doses of 16 vaccines total from birth to age 18 should be given according to federal government. Number of doses has tripled from late 70’s to today. As this dramatic escalation of child vaccination schedule has occurred we’re not seeing children healthier but the opposite. We’ve an epidemic of chronic disease and disability, such as Asthma, Learning Disability, Autism, Diabetes, Inflammatory Bowel Disorders, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Epilepsy, Mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia. Hear and learn more here keeping your precious ones safe:
